So the maintenance and repair cost of a 2-million-yuan airplane will reach 4 00000 per year. 所以一架总价200万元的飞机,一年的维修费用高达40万元。
The blade tip crack of the high pressure turbine is repaired by using the laser welding, which can reduce effectively the repair cost and increase the economic effectiveness of the engine repair. 采用激光熔焊方法,修复了高压涡轮工作叶片叶尖裂纹,有效降低了发动机修理成本,提高了发动机修理的经济效益。
Brace yourself and I'll tell you how much the repair will cost you. 振作精神,让我把修理费用告诉你。
The amount of sacrifice of the ship shall be calculated on the basis of the repair cost of the ship actually paid, from which any reasonable deduction in respect of "new for old" being made. (一)舶共同海损牺牲的金额,按照实际支付的修理费,减除合理的以新换旧的扣减额计算。
How much do you think the repair will cost me? 你觉得修理会花我多少钱?
Attach a copy of the original invoice or other certified proof in writing, sufficient to identify the package contents and substantiate the lesser of the actual cost, replacement cost or repair cost of the merchandise. 附上原始发票的复印件或其它足以标识包裹内容和证实实际成本、物品的替换成本或修理成本中金额较少的那个的书面证明。
Method and Experience of Improving Repair Engineering Construction Cost Control in Universities 改善高校修缮工程造价控制的方法与体会
The driver Peter recognized this accident, but there is no answer to why not pay the repair cost and other issues. 肇事司机吴先生认可了这起事故,但没有回答为何迟迟不给付修车费用等问题。
In some cases, this local repair is more cost effective than returning the Product to the originating factory. 在许多案例中,这种在当地的维修比把产品返回原厂家更节省成本。
Responsible party for repair cost for the problems shall be determined by Yokogawa based on our investigation. 故障维修费用责任方应由横河根据调查结果确定。
Study on Optimization of Multi-level Inventory Considered the Repair Cost 考虑修复成本的逆向物流多级库存优化研究
Spare parts management, repair and cost control. 协助负责相关零备件管理,控制维修费用。
Analyzes and discusses the methods of correct installation and maintenance of the roiling bearing and attentions to be paid to, reaching the aim of prolonging the operating life of rolling bearing and reducing the maintenance and repair cost. 通过分析、探讨滚动轴承的正确安装、维护保养的方法及其注意事项,达到延长滚动轴承的使用寿命、降低检修成本的目的。
Optimal Maintenance Polies for Random Repair Cost Maintenance Models 关于随机小修费用模型的最优维修策略
Risk analysis is an efficiency method to reduce accident loss, save repair cost, and make ensure the safety operation of pipeline. 对在役管道进行风险评估是减少事故损失、节约维修资金、保障管道安全营运的有效途径。
This task is a definite value of use for reference to improve equipment repair quality at Heidaigou Open Cast Coal Mine and reduce integrative repair cost. 本课题对于提高黑岱沟露天煤矿设备维修质量、降低综合维修成本具有一定的借鉴价值。
Experiences in Maintenance and Repair Cost Control of Medical Equipments 控制医疗设备维修成本的体会
The method could reduce the inspection and repair cost greatly on the basis of ensuring the safety of equipment. 该方法可在保证设备安全性的基础上显著降低检修成本。
Brief Analysis of Reduction Maintenance and Repair Cost for Road Building of Maintaining Machinery 浅析降低筑养路机械维修费用
The article explains frequency control's main structure, achievement of high quality automatic control, advantage and better income on investment on economize on energy and decreasing repair cost. 本文用实例说明用变频调速的主要构成,可实现高质量的自动控制,以及变频调速在节能、降低检修成本等方面的优越性及良好的投资回报。
On the premise of guaranteeing the machining precision and working property of the bearing of abrasive wheel axes, the maintaining cycle is shortened, and the repair cost is reduced. 在保证砂轮轴轴承原有各项加工精度及工作性能的前提下,缩短了维修周期,降低了修复的成本。
This paper focuses on the early detection of the winding faults in asynchronous motors, as would help avoid catastrophic failure, reduce repair cost and outage time to a great extent. 在此基础上,提出了异步电动机转子断条与定子绕组匝间短路故障检测新方法;
The applied technology has the advantages of short maintenance time, low repair cost, long service time of equipment. 并初步总结了采用该工艺修理时间短成本低、使用寿命长等实践经验,供有关人员参考。
With commutation equipment, such as commutator, brush, brush box, dynamotor increases its repair cost. 直流电机由于具有换向设备:换向器、电刷、刷握等装置,而增加了其检修保养的环节。
Implementation in the engine performance in accordance with the restoration of the former repair and maintenance costs of the identified part of the overall repair cost estimates. 实现了在发动机送修前根据性能恢复程度和维修费用中的确定部分对总体维修成本进行估算。
In the entire project implementation process, program testing should carry out simultaneously, in order to minimize the repair time and cost, and to ensure the project can meet the design requirements. 整个项目的实现过程中,程序测试工作应始终同步进行,力求减少修复所需的时间和技术成本,确保项目满足设计需求。
The cost and benefit of different repair strategies has great difference. In order to reduce the repair cost with the permission of bridge performance, adequate and reliable bridge information is needed. 不同维修方案的成本与效益存在着较大的差别,为了在桥梁性能允许的条件下尽可能地减少维修成本,需要充分可靠的桥梁信息数据。
Repair after the repair cost accounting. 送修后对维修成本进行核算。
Simulation analysis shows that we can reduce the repair cost and improve the repair efficiency by repairing the huge branches in the big task regions. 仿真结果表明,通过对网络中少量大任务区域内的较大分支的修复,可以以较高的效率、较低的成本代价获得比较好的修复效果。